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Rediscover the "muscle of happiness"

Riscoprire il “muscolo della felicità”

Pelvic floor toning

In recent years, attention has centred on the pelvic floor, which is especially important for women. It is a set of muscular and fascial structures that close the pelvis, helping to maintain organs such as the bladder and uterus.

Pregnancy and childbirth are events that deeply alter this anatomical area: tears or practices such as episiotomy can damage it, creating incontinence, prolapse and genital organ disorders. At Villa Eden The Leading Park Retreat you can try different methods to enhance the functionality and tone of the pelvic floor, which is fundamental to your health and a good quality of sexual life.

Although we do not realize it, we constantly use this muscle and keeping it in shape is basic: it is used to cough and sneeze, it is activated while walking and lifting weights, contracted to hold urination. Excessive exercise, especially immediately after giving birth, is extremely harmful to the pelvic floor: the body has a recovery time that must be respected, and in the nine months after childbirth, one should avoid straining this delicate area.

The Villa Eden Leading Park Retreat uses many different approaches and their aim to raise awareness about the pelvic floor as well as its function. With kinetic therapy, you are taught how to perform simple contraction and relaxation exercises of the affected muscles, fostering awareness and strengthening the whole support system of internal organs.

Through these so-called Kegel exercises, blood flow to the muscles of this region increases, also with positive effects on the transmission of genital pleasure in women. Electrostimulation is appropriate in cases where the perineal muscles cannot be contracted voluntarily

Through specific electrodes and their - absolutely painless - electrical impulses, the pelvic floor musculature is stimulated. Biofeedback involves the use of instruments capable of recording a contraction or muscle relaxation that may not be perceived. The pulse is transformed into a visual signal, allowing you to check contractions or relaxation and learn how to perform them correctly.